Israel Bombs Rafah After telling 1.2 million refugees to go there.
The situation is Rafah is devastating. There are no services, no clean water, no materials. 30k people are dead, and yesterday during the American Super Bowl they bombed the refugee city. This entire thing has been genocide.
This however is nothing short of creating a concentration camp and then bombing that camp. There are no words.
Wyoming considers law defining trans healthcare for youth child abuse
This is next level shit y'all. When the fascist start systematically taking your kids you have hit the first stages of genocide. We know where
this is going and we certainly know where this goes. They are planning to kill us, and if they can, erase us. The ascists are here. They have
the backing of much of the Republican party, and in fact are much of the Republican Party.
Just know that we saw it coming. We knew what was happening. When the history books are written we didn't sleepwalk into fascism. They bullied, cheated
and bought their way to power, and then they killed us.
Ruby - A Wonderful Language But Clearly Losing it's Luster
The Ruby programming language is engaging, entertaining, and has a great community. It's idioms are
pleasant and thoughtful and as far as languges
go I would put it near my personal top. That said Shoes doesn't work. Tk doesn't work. Dragonruby works
but is not accessible and has an attitude that
is so "can do" that it leaves people behind. I guess what I am trying to say is that Ruby isn't dead, or
even necessarily dying. It is, however losing
the spirit of jump in and make it happen that made it special to begin with. Cheers.
Why does everything have to be a comparison?
Quickly I wanted to note that my Japanese practice goes well. I am learning a lot. It is hard
though. Like no joke hard.
Mainly though what I wanted to note down today is how discouraging it is that people on the English
web feel compelled to compare
and usually very aggressively so when talking about Japan or China. People are more the same than
different and the intense comparison
is usually jengoism or a weird self-flagulation that is definitely not appealing or accurate.
I am learning about a story telling structure called 期初転結 (kishotenketsu). It is fascinating and
fun. It gets at stories that
I have loved for years and knew were different but could not have told you why. However the desire
to exalt it, put down other structures, or deride it
are all just disappointing. It is an amazing structure. So is the five point structure of writing
plays and even Campbell's monomyth is interesting
if a little flawed. It would just be nice if people could experience something novel without
immediately hating it or hating what they already have. Life
is not a zero sum game. We can add to our sense of pleasure, wonder, and fulfilment. No toxic
comparision necessary.
I have been studying Japanese again for about 7 days. I am having so much fun. It is super neat
to see how much language
learning tools have evolved. Also I am getting the same intellectual high I get from
programming! Which is incredible.
I will be incorporating 日本人 into this blog going forward. So keep an eye out.
ありがとうございます for reading!
Another weekend
Well this weekend was in some ways a bust. I did a little bit of coding but none of it felt
I went on some walks which was lovely but its winter so it is minimally sustaining. Its deep in
the middle
of the latest round of Covid-19 hell and that means socializing is off the table in any
meaningful way.
Right now we are trying to figure out lunch. Nothing sounds appetizing. "Ain't that just the
way?" my stomach chimes
in helpfully.
Ultimately we decided on a breakfast spot. It has a good vegan menu. I am getting biscuits with
mushroom gravy and
lentil sausage on the side. Pretty good, my stomach has to admit. We are going to eat in the car
probably. Maybe at
a picnic table if we can handle the 39F/3.9C weather. As an aside it is way easier to go from C
to F then the other
way around. I can do that in my head. The formula is simple, ((C * 2) * 0.1) + 32 = F.
Yearly Spread
My initial impression here is that the Queen of Potions (cups) is acting as the guardian or
accent to the year. Her influences are calm, coolness, and motivation via compassion. All of
these are
very welcome in my year. Looking at the year as a whole the only month that looks rough is May.
I will
need to be careful around that time of year but otherwise it feels pretty solid.
The moon is full tonight. One of the books I am reading encourages folks to name the moons
For me the most resounding factor this time of year is the fog. I think I will refer to this
moon as the
Queen's Cloak Moon for now, or simply the Fog Moon.
Yule Day 2
Today was nice. I went to a couple of places of power and made offerings and cleaned up the
house. I
visited with a friend and finished a couple knitting projects. Oh and I made chili, yum!
No Spend 2024?
I am unfamiliar with this "no spend" trend. I am however pretty well versed in minimalism
philosophy and
recognize a similar way of thinking. The idea seems to be to pick a few categories where one's
less mindful and actively choose to spend no or as little on those categories as possible. This
may have
additional benefit if the items are sundries and therefore you use the old stuff up throughout
the year.
I think I may give this a try with the obvious categories being software, out and about coffee,
and books/media. Let's see how it turns out.
Website Reboot
I have reset the website. I am happy with my increased css knowledge as this already
looks closer to my original goal then before.