2024 Year Spread

A tarot card spread

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Text Adventure MiniScript (TAMS) Engine Demo
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Get it here: Why Do I Want to Write a Novel

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Get it here: A Little Hope in 2024


I reset my YouTube history again. I can't stand how quickly my feed becomes toxic. Some of this must be that I go down paths that lead to toxicit . However, I am also certain the algo is designed to make it worse. If I could read only anthropology and philosophy I should be a very happy critter I think.


I wrote a text adventure engine in MiniScript. It works in the browser and you can demo it here.
You can also download MiniMicro, a fantasy computer buit on MiniScript and use it to play the demo offline here.
The offline demo file is downloadable here.

Being Old

I'm almost 40. In our youth obsessed culture dominated by marketing demographic categories that makes me old and, at least in theory, a primary consumer. I guess I can concede that I am old in a sense. I remember many things from 20 years ago. Eight years ago doesn't seem that long ago anymore. I am still learning and growing and still don't always feel like an adult and I am definitely not a primary consumer. I wonder what that makes me?